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Hypersensitivity Prevention and Self-Care

Hypersensitivity Prevention
and Self-Care

The key to preventing hypersensitivity is careful daily brushing. Do not neglect brushing because of
sensitivity of your teeth, as doing so will make the symptoms worse.


  • Hypersensitivity can be reversed.
  • The key to protecting against hypersensitivity is careful brushing that does not burden the teeth surface,  gums and tooth roots.

Hypersensitivity Prevention and Care

The key to preventing hypersensitivity is to prevent the dentin from becoming exposed through adequate brushing. Although hypersensitivity care can be performed at home, consult with a dental clinic if you have severe symptoms.

Reminders for Brushing Your Teeth

  • Properly position the bristles of the toothbrush against the teeth.
  • Brush gently.
    If the brushing force is too strong, the bristles will become splayed and the brush movement will stop, making it harder to remove plaque.
  • Pay attention to the brushing force and how you move the brush, e.g., moving the brush in small motions.
  • It may be good to use a toothbrush with soft bristles.
  • If you have sensitivity to cold, rinse your mouth with lukewarm water instead of cold water.